
Showing posts from February, 2022

ENST Digest 2/14/22- the self-love one

  Hi ENST & E&C community, on this day of love. I'm curious what you make of it? I include a few of bell hooks' amazing words about self-love below in honor of this day and of her ongoing influence in my own life. Did you see the HSU Now piece on our very own ENST major Valentina Dimas? She and a whole crew of students used COVID times to create and find a way to advocate for the houseless. Here's the Lost Coast piece on their amazing work, and do check out their documentaries on Houselessness in Humboldt during a time of COVID on You Tube. There will be three, as I understand it, and one is available to view now. Congratulations to Valentina and her team! I'm taken aback by your commitment to this work. Do you have things to celebrate??? Send me your stuff! Or, if you are too shy, send me stuff about your friends and the amazing work they're up to! It's so important to take the time to pause and recognize our progress. It's too easy to push yourse

ENST digest 2/7/22- Happy February, ready for some uplift?

  Hello ENST and E&C folks, Some news in ENST: Congratulations to ENST alumn Elena Bilheimer and ENST Affiliated faculty member and dear friend Dr. Renee Byrd for this amazing piece in EcoNews profiling Dr. Byrd's Earthseed Labs land healing project. Elena is working for EcoNews now, after doing the media internship for them for her ENST senior capstone. Dr. Byrd is teaching an E&C seminar this semester on Abolition Ecologies. Please reach out to her if you want to get involved, and read the fabulous piece to see other ways to support Earthseed Labs. Announcing the launch of a Sustainability Minor at Cal Poly Humboldt! Check out ENST alumn Iran Ortiz in this amazing video about sustainability at HSU, and learn more about the minor here . Some extremely cool things are happening this semester, such as: Black to the Land Farming Fridays Sustainability Charettes-- info-gathering for future planning  Social Justice Summit theme: Climate Justice and Intersectionality- - subm