ENST Digest- 2/28/22: The one in the middle of bad news

 Hello ENST and E&C community,

With Ukraine and the newest IPCC reports, not to mention Afghanistan and all the rest, I don't know about you, but my heart is HEAVY. Check out the newest IPCC report here.  Try not to turn away from all of this. Our sadness and anxiety is evidence that we are connected to the suffering world. 

And, we also need to know what we are fighting for.  Despite the tumult, untold numbers of people are still working hard to add justice, beauty, and peace. This includes so many of you on this campus. Check out what is happening this week for a dose of remembering that alongside the horrors happening, there are also vortexes of awesomeness right in front of you

First, see how folks are trying to make sense of Ukraine, then hit up the Social Justice Summit, which starts in minutes!, and get your food sovereignty film series on. 

Pulling this to the top as it starts in minutes: 

SJS Event: "How do Folks of Color Thrive in Humboldt? Strategies, Ideas, and Resistance": Join us today Feb 28, Monday from 5-6pm  for this virtual event: Zoom:   Virtual Panel Presentation

Dr. Ray Office Hours this week:

Also, I canceled office hours last week, so here are the make-up hours this week. As usual, I am in my office in FH 107 on Wednesday 12-2, and on zoom, my make-up hours are Friday 3:30-5:30, here.

1. Ukraine events, from the Politics Department/Club

Sent on behalf of the Department of Politics and the Politics Club

Dear Humboldt Community, 

It is with horror and disbelief that we have witnessed the illegal invasion of Ukraine, a country holding the vastest territory in Europe and some of the world's richest reserves in natural resources, over the past few days. We join the international community in unequivocally condemning the illicit and unprovoked attack on a sovereign territory by the Russian Federation. Our thoughts are with the peoples of Ukraine during this time of grave danger and uncertainty. 

Many of our students have reached out to us in search of deeper clarity about the events that are unfolding. Therefore we have compiled a list of resources and upcoming events that may be of use.

Politics Club Hot Topic Event: Ukraine in Crisis

Date: Friday, March 4th at 4:00 pm in Siemens Hall 108 or on Zoom

Zoom link: https://humboldtstate.zoom.us/j/82088782535?pwd=R2pNV0RSSG5iWG16WFRmSWFaR09Rdz09

Join students and faculty from the Politics Department and beyond for a discussion on the crisis in Ukraine 


Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard University

Rapid Response Panel: Ukraine Under Attack

Date: Monday, February 28, 2022, 12:00pm to 1:00pm EST /9:00-10:00 am PST


Zoom Webinar and YouTube


Council on Foreign Relations

Home and Abroad Public Forum: U.S.-Russia Relations

Date: Thursday, March 3, from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (EST) for an on-the-record discussion on the Russia-Ukraine crisis, U.S.-Russia relations, and implications for European security.

This virtual meeting is free and open to all, so we hope you will also encourage your colleagues, networks, and friends to join the discussion.



From Dr. Emily Channell-Justice (Director): Please consider contacting your representatives in Congress to demand that they act on behalf of Ukraine. Ukrainians are asking for further economic sanctions, removing Russia from the SWIFT network, military aid, including a NATO no-fly zone, and increased humanitarian aid. The link below includes a form letter you can use and it will take less than five minutes of your time. 


In Solidarity, 

The Department of Politics and the Politics Club

2. Social Justice Summit events

The 28th Annual Social Justice Summit (SJS) is now underway.  Our theme is "Climate Justice & Intersectionality."  We would like to invite you all to join us for this week-long series of events.  We have some wonderful speakers and workshops for this week. To register, go to Link

Join us today Feb 28, Monday from 5-6pm  for this virtual event: Zoom
How do Folks of Color Thrive in Humboldt? Strategies, Ideas, and Resistance Virtual Panel Presentation

Join in on this safe space created to learn and share experiences, as well as build community and connection! This Zoom presentation is hosted by César Abarca, Marisol Ruiz, Andrea Delgado, Joni Segura.

“We will share personal stories and knowledge on how to flourish in our university and in the community. We will share events and experiences on and off campus. We will laugh, get mad, and learn how to build solidarity with each other.”

Zoom Meeting ID: 830 6854 2038
Passcode: 737075

We hope to see you there, and be on the lookout for more information on the upcoming events!
For a preview of events, head over to @humboldt_sjeic on Instagram!

BUT WAIT- there’s more!

This Sunday, March 6th, the Social Justice Summit will be hosting a kayaking & paddle-boarding event at Big Lagoon! All expenses paid, with only 24 spots available.   There will be three vans transporting folks from Library Circle. Bring your own water and food as needed. We will provide snacksLink to Register
Priority is given to those who attend 2+ Summit events throughout this week!

3. Food Sovereignty Lab Film Series

Please join Rou Dalagurr Food Sovereignty Lab for our Spring 2022 Online Film Series!

Next Thursday, March 3rd at 7pm, we'll be screening Inhabitants: Indigenous Perspectives on Restoring Our WorldSeveral lucky audience members will win Indigenous Bars and Acorn Bites!

Please share with students, colleagues, and friends!

FSL Spring 2022 Film Flyer.jpg

4. Internship Opportunity

The Cultural Conservancy: Native Foodways Program would like to share the following internship opportunity with your community.  Please forward the internship description and flier to all those who you believe may be interested.  Thank you!!

Screen Shot 2022-02-28 at 4.46.06 PM.png

5.  Wildlife Research internship in South Africa

I am reaching out on behalf of Nkonzo Wildlife Research, based in the Western Cape of South Africa, regarding internship opportunities available for 2022. We are currently searching to fill internship positions of 2-16 weeks in duration to assist in our conservation and research efforts throughout the year. Interns live in self-catering apartments in the coastal town of Hartenbos, Western Cape and travel Monday to Friday to various game reserves and properties in the area for fieldwork. Intern duties include data collection on our observational behavior studies (see below), monitoring camera traps, consolidating reports, beach clean-ups, and other miscellaneous duties. The position is also supplemented with field training basics in wildlife track and sign, bush survival skills, and ethical wildlife approach methods. 


In 2022 we are focusing on:

- Ecology of white rhinoceros in Fynbos (conducted through non-invasive, observational research) focuses on spatial patterns, social behaviour and condition monitoring for management purposes.

- Population ecology of novel brown hyaena (Parahyaena brunnea) occurrence in Fynbos stemming from the recent discovery of brown hyaena presence in an extirpated area of their historical range (Hall, A. and Thatcher, H., 2021. A confirmed sighting of brown hyaena, Parahyaena brunnea (Thunburg, 1820) in an extirpated area of the Western Cape, South Africa. African Journal of Ecology, 59(4), pp.1047-1050). This work is conducted through systematic trail camera deployment.

- Continued collaboration with the Endangered Wildlife Trust on their Wildlife and Roads research to better understand the conflict between human infrastructure and wildlife fatalities. 


We also acknowledge that the internship requires a fee that covers the student's accommodation, conservation fees set by the reserves, certain meals, and includes a donation to local anti-poaching units.


At Nkonzo Wildlife Research, we take health and safety seriously, and maintaining a safe workspace is our top priority. We are compliant with global health and safety protocols for the current global situation which include (but are not limited to) the mandatory wearing of masks (regardless of vaccination status) as required by law, daily screening prior to work (temperature and symptom checks) and daily sanitization of all vehicles and equipment. We encourage concerned faculty, students and family members to ask any questions they may have regarding our protocols or any concerns they have. 


We would kindly ask for the opportunity to be passed on to any interested undergraduates or postgraduates who are interested in the opportunity. They can visit our website at www.wildlife-research.com or email us directly at info@wildlife-research.com. We can also be found on Facebook and Instagram, username Nkonzo Wildlife Research, for the latest updates.


Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. 


Kind regards,


Arno Smit

Managing Director

+27 81 207 9807




6. Job at Oberlin College in Ohio 

Assistant Project Manager for Environmental Dashboard

The Environmental Studies Program at Oberlin College invites applications for a full-time, one-year grant-supported position with the potential for renewal. The hire will assist in development, management, assessment and communication related to Environmental Dashboard (www.environmentaldashboard.org). This award winning communications project, supported by Oberlin College faculty and students, combines real-time feedback on resource use and environmental quality with messages drawn from community members to engage, educate, motivate and empower positive change in thought and action. A decade of peer-reviewed research demonstrates the positive impact of this technology on communities. Environmental Dashboard is featured in the international documentary on climate solutions “2040”.  Through successful implementations in NE Ohio, our ultimate goal is to develop, disseminate and support implementation of this communication technology for interested communities throughout the world. 

The hire will assist in all aspects of project management including overseeing student workers, coordination among community partners (e.g. school teachers, city officials, businesses, non-profits), assisting in curriculum development (K-12 and college level), managing digital signs, managing the website and social media, assisting in research, representing the project and marketing the project to other communities. Important skills and experiences include: excellent oral and written communication, web management, strong aptitude for using and teaching software, and a demonstrated interest in promoting sustainability. Graphic and web design skills are a plus.  A demonstrated ability to own, manage and execute on all aspects of successful projects is essential. Review of applicants will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Click here for more details and to apply.


______________A poem for the stalwart____________

“Invitation” by Mary Oliver

Oh do you have time

to linger

for just a little while

out of your busy

and very important day

for the goldfinches

that have gathered

in a field of thistles

for a musical battle,

to see who can sing

the highest note,

or the lowest,

or the most expressive of mirth,

or the most tender?

Their strong, blunt beaks

drink the air

as they strive


not for your sake

and not for mine

and not for the sake of winning

but for sheer delight and gratitude –

believe us, they say,

it is a serious thing

just to be alive

on this fresh morning

in the broken world.

I beg of you,

do not walk by

without pausing

to attend to this

rather ridiculous performance.

It could mean something.

It could mean everything.

It could be what Rilke meant, when he wrote:

You must change your life.

Follow the Cal Poly Humboldt Environmental Studies Department on Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/HSUenvironmentalstudies
Instagram: @enst.humboldt

Students, what have you been working on? We invite you to share your accomplishments (publications, presentations, grants, awards, creative activities, academic competitions and the like) with us by emailing me, and share with the HSU community via Humboldt Now. Do you know any alumni doing interesting things? We'd love to know what they're up to! Ask them to submit an alumni update here. And if you have poems, songs, or other news or announcements you'd like to share with the ENST community, please email Sarah.Ray@humboldt.edu.


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