ENST Digest- 3/8/22: the one in the middle of Biden's oil ban announcement


I'm writing a delinquent day late, on the heels of hearing Biden's announcement about banning imports of oil from Russia. I'm stunned and scared and I think happy about it, but of course, wondering what to make of it all. He talked just moments ago about having more domestic oil production than under Trump, which put my environmentalist hairs on edge, and then, in a savvy rhetorical move, turned even that into an argument for weaning the U.S. (and Europe) off of fossil fuels altogether. 

I was worried the war in Ukraine would make Biden fold on climate and surrender any hopes for a fossil-fuel-free world, but instead, he doubled down. For now, without any time to process or pundits to listen to, or any other discussion, I'm astonished and hopeful about this move, and I really wonder what you are all making of it. By the end of today, my thoughts may change, and I am looking forward to having discussions, hearing other angles, and weighing it all out in community with you all, my social network of colleagues, and of course, voices from other corners of the world.  

In any case, I had a hard time sitting down yesterday to get the Digest out because I am moving slowly with the heaviness of what's been happening-- missives of "civilian casualties" and 2 million refugees out of Ukraine, half a world away. I know Ukraine isn't the only place where people are being violently oppressed (and I just learned about the wildfires in South Korea, and of course, last week's IPCC report seems to have been like the proverbial tree in the forest that falls without anybody to hear, as usual)-- so much is getting eclipsed by what's happening in Ukraine, I know). Yet the situation in Ukraine is a historic, global pivot point for the fate of fossil fuels, so on top of the human suffering, fate of democracy, etc. there are so many reasons I'm paying attention.

Let's keep cultivating the garden where we are, and at a scale we can and do make immediate impact, shall we? Here's a link to the HSU Sustainability Newsletter, which covers so much stuff that I often find myself repeating here. This is an awesome resource every month. 

And here are a few things happening in and around ENST: 

1. Advising + Pizza Night for ENST is March 30, 3-5pm! Come meet faculty, see each other, talk through all your course planning and DARS questions, learn which special topics courses count for your degree, and even-- if you have a course plan for fall by the end of the session-- get your advising hold lifted!  In the meantime, if you're under 60 units, it probably means your advisor is Meridith Oram-- please contact her for an advising appointment ASAP.  If you're over 60 units, check your student center to see who your advisor is. It's probably me, Rosemary Sherriff, Deepti Chatti, or maybe even John Meyer or Mark Baker. Dr. Meyer is on leave this semester. If you can't figure out who your advisor is, let me know.  But advising season is around the corner, and it's time to start thinking about planning for the fall.  Every semester, we have Advising + Pizza night to be a kind of "one-stop-shop" for you, so please do plan to attend!

2. The ENST Logo Competition is complete! Note from your Peer Mentors, who ran the competition and voting process (thanks to them for that work!): 
Congratulations to Lorena Sanchez!
Here is the winning logo which we will be placing on merch in the next few weeks.
ENSTsticker - Lorena Sanchez (2).jpg
Thank you to everyone who submitted. Your work was amazing and we are so proud of all of you! You will receive a free sticker as soon as they have arrived. 

3. Sustainability Minor and Certificate in Climate Justice & Sustainability Leadership: more to follow, but these two new program options housed in ENST will be available starting this fall! 

4. Justice for El Salvador student-led event/protest, ENST Capstone Project- 4/7

Justice for El Salvador Protest - flyer attached
This event is an ENST Capstone Project, for those in the Capstone class you may get 5 points as part of a Community Building Assignment.  All social and environmental issues will be addressed with pre made signs available. 

4/7 Thursday 4p-6p @ Arcata Plaza
Thank you greatly! 

5. ENST Resource Hub on Canvas

We just launched this last week. It's a current major advising and general resource site, where you can find archived professional/career development workshop videos, a discussion forum to talk to each other, and a curated list of resource links for things you want to know on and off campus, just for ENST majors. I added all ENST majors' names to the course. Please let me know how you like it!  If you can't see it on Canvas, let me know. That means that somehow, your name didn't get added. 

6Save the Date! Peer Mentor Delaney will be hosting a Self-Care Succulent Workshop with CCAT on April 8th @1-3pm. It will be a super fun day and you will be able to take home your own succulent and have a chance to win some cool prizes! Please keep a look out for the flyer in the next coming weeks.

7. As always, come enjoy some ENST-tailored career planning workshops with our esteemed and brilliant Meridith Oram & Loren Collins!
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 1. Cultivating Local Knowledge- exploring local ecological knowledge and promoting student connections at CSUN: free online event

 Digital Technologies facilitate the production of 21st century perspectives on the Indigenous Oaxacan genetic modification of corn through the ecosystem known as “milpa.” In this presentation, two Oaxacan collaborators working with Professor Flores-Marcial and CSUN students present an updated and refreshed lexicon through visuals and vocabulary that credits the thirteen thousand year old development of corn in its most relevant form.

 Title: divergent 21st Century perspectives of the Zapotec landscape 

When: Wednesday 3/9, 12:30-1:45pm 

Speakers: Jonathan Garzon and Jonatan Garcia 

Faculty collaborator: Dr. Flores-Marcial 

Featuring Dr. Tyutina and student interpreters, Elizabeth Chavolla and Fidel Jimenez

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the meeting. Flyer attached.


2. Enviro Protection Specialist job announcement

_______________________For this week's creative injections, in the spirit of International Women's Day, check out this list of 30 Women Environmentalists You Should Know. Also check out this event happening today with climate justice activist Vanessa Nakate: 


Check out this interview with black feminist and environmental thinker Alexis Pauline Gumbs and adrienne maree brown about Gumbs' beautiful book, Undrowned. I hope you've read it or if you haven't, put it on your list!   ______________________

Attachments area
And a beautiful excerpt from Undrowned:

"What is the scale of breathing? You put your hand on your individual chest as it rises and falters all day. But is that the scale of breathing? You share air and chemical exchange with everyone in the room, everyone you pass by today. Is the scale of breathing within one species? All animals participate in this exchange of release for continued life. But not without the plants. The plants in their inverse process, release what we need, take what we give without being asked. And the planet, wrapped in ocean breathing, breathing into sky. What is the scale of breathing? You are part of it now. You are not alone."

 -"Preface: A Guide to Undrowning" in Undrowned: Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals by Alexis Pauline Gumbs

Follow the Cal Poly Humboldt Environmental Studies Department on Social Media:
Instagram: @enst.humboldt

Students, what have you been working on? We invite you to share your accomplishments (publications, presentations, grants, awards, creative activities, academic competitions and the like) with us by emailing me, and share with the HSU community via Humboldt Now. Do you know any alumni doing interesting things? We'd love to know what they're up to! Ask them to submit an alumni update here. And if you have poems, songs, or other news or announcements you'd like to share with the ENST community, please email Sarah.Ray@humboldt.edu.


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